未来的肉类和乳制品类似产品需要关注可负担性, innovative business models and a just transition

而肉类和奶制品的类似物则有望解决健康和环境问题, their adoption warrants thoughtful consideration. 这 article outlines key action points, stemming from multi-stakeholder dialogues hosted by WBCSD, 旨在使模拟产品为健康和可持续的粮食系统做出最大贡献.

发表: 2023年9月20日
作者: Maria Westin, Senior Associate, 农业 and 食物
类型: 洞察力

植物性, fermented and cultivated alternatives to meat and dairy, 通常被称为“类似物”,因为它们试图模仿动物同类的味道和质地, 在全球范围内实现更健康、更可持续饮食的重要手段是什么. 近年来,食品系统利益相关者对这些以动物为基础的肉类和乳制品的创新替代品的热情激增. 全球肉类和奶制品的大量消费(而且还在不断增长)引发了可怕的环境和健康担忧,这助长了这种兴趣, especially in countries dominated by Western diets. 

Livestock systems represent about 14.占所有人为温室气体排放的5%,以及农业排放的约50%.1 Dairy also has a significant impact on the environment. 在欧盟饮食中,乳制品占碳足迹的四分之一以上.2 Compared to plant-based alternatives, cow’s milk causes around three times more GHG emissions; uses around ten times more land; up to twenty times more freshwater; and creates much higher levels of eutrophication – a process in which water bodies become overly enriched with nutrients which leads to harmful algal blooms, dead zones and ecosystem disruption.3 过量食用红肉和加工肉也会增加患心脏病的风险, some types of cancer, type 2 diabetes and premature death.456 

鉴于肉类和乳制品的过度消费对人类健康和环境的负面影响, 一个不可避免的问题出现了:为什么将肉类和乳制品类似物纳入饮食的转变没有更快、更普遍地发生? While analogues offer promising alternatives, they come with their own set of trade-offs, challenges and questions that demand the attention of businesses, scientists and policymakers alike.  

肉类和乳制品类似物通常被归类为超加工食品,批评者质疑它们的健康性, pointing to examples of highly energy-dense, high-sodium products full of additives. 他们担心,这种以植物为基础的联系掩盖了原本可能完全没有营养的饮食. There is widespread concern, confusion and misinformation around nutrition, 可访问性, scalability and consumer interest in these products, 此外,从动物性产品向类似产品的大规模转变对该部门的农民和农业工人的生计也有影响. 

围绕这些产品的复杂问题促使WBCSD在2023年5月和6月组织了一系列对话, 来自全球食品生态系统的利益相关者齐聚一堂,就肉类和乳制品类似物在提供健康和可持续饮食方面的作用分享不同观点. 这 新论文 captures the open exchanges fostered during the dialogue series, which highlighted the following key action areas: 

  1. 加强关于肉类和乳制品类似物影响的数据支持证据和叙述. 
  2. 确保消费者和农业食品工人在转向肉类和乳制品类似物时的公正过渡. 
  3. Establish innovative business models to help drive the transition. 
  4. 推动消费者和公司的行为改变,以纳入类似物. 

今天, 这是塑造肉类和乳制品模拟产品未来的机会, 确保我们共同了解它们在促进人人享有可持续健康饮食方面的作用. The dialogue series discussions, as outlined in the new , identified challenges and opportunities related to, among other things, the importance of more unbiased research to understand the health impacts of different types of analogue products; affordability and 可访问性 considerations in regions where meat and dairy analogues are more expensive than their animal-based counterparts; the ‘protein tunnel vision’ versus assessing the overall nutritional benefits of meat and dairy analogues and how they fit into diets more broadly; and legislation impacting the consumption of analogues. 

Read more about these and other aspects of meat and dairy analogues, including recommended actions for different stakeholders, 在论文中 Meat and dairy analogues – Opportunities, challenges and next steps

WBCSD将继续使该部门保持一致,将肉类和乳制品类似物作为健康和可持续粮食系统的一部分. For more information, contact Melanie Levine at levine@somechan.net.

1《正规博彩十大网站排名》(2019). Dig In: The Quantis 食物 Report. 检索: http://quantis-intl.com/report/digin-food- report/.
联合国粮食及农业组织(FAO) (2006). Livestock’s long shadow: environmental issues and options.

2 OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2019-2028. Dairy and dairy products.

3 Our World in Data. Source: Joseph Poore and Thomas Nemecek (2018). http://ourworldindata.org/environmental-impact-milks

4 Wang X, Lin X, Ouyang YY, Liu J, Zhao G, Pan A, et al. 红肉和加工肉的消费与死亡率:前瞻性队列研究的剂量反应荟萃分析. Public Health Nutr. 2016 Apr;19(5):893–905.

5 Papier K, Knuppel A, Syam N, Jebb SA, Key TJ. 肉类消费与缺血性心脏病风险:一项系统综述和荟萃分析. Crit Rev 食物 Sci Nutr. 2023;63(3):426–37.

6 Micha R, Wallace SK, Mozaffarian D. 食用红肉和加工肉与患冠心病的风险, 中风, and diabetes mellitus: a systematic review and meta-analysis. 循环. 2010 Jun 1;121(21):2271– 83.

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